
Posts Tagged ‘Best Buds’

Marvin came to me when he was about 3 weeks old. A co-worker of mine found him underneith a trailer, screaming and alone. He was dirty and cold, but seemed to be ok. I gave him a warm blanket and some canned food – what he did next is how he earned his name…


Marvin was a homely little thing. His huge head and tiny body made him a unique little character.


Mavin absolutely loved Jak. He was always there through Jak’s rough patches. Jak’s allergies caused him to chew his foot raw, which required bandaging……Marvin was there.


Jak hurt his knee…….Marvin was there.


Jak had to be hospitalized for liver issues……Marvin was there.


Jak and Marvin where best buds. Amiogos. Buddies. Pals.


Oliver tried to keep him in line.


But as Marvin grew, all poor Oliver could do was tolerate him.


Once Marvin was old enough, he was adopted by my dad, who fell in love with him when he was very young.


He went from a little bobble head to a beautiful cat. Its truly an ugly duckling story.

When Jak visits Marvin they seem to pick up right where they left off. They are still best buds. Amigos. Pals.


Marvin’s Kingdom…



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Jak and Oliver

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my new, shiny wordpress blog.  In this blog, I will tell the stories of all the fosters I have taken in…past and present…and their interactions with my animals. We’ll start with Jak and Oliver…

This is Jak


I got Jak when he was only 12 weeks old. That was 5 years ago and today we have a bond that is indescribable. He is always there in the good times and the bad, through thick and thin. Jak is a smart boy, sometimes too smart for his own good and has more personality than he knows what to do with. He is what many call a Velcro-dog, always stuck to my side. He is my heart-dog. He is my buddy.

This is Oliver


He fell into my life by happenstance. I happened to be at the animal shelter one day 4 years ago and saw a tiny, orange kitten huddled in the back of a cold metal cage.  I scooped up the tiny, dirty, flea-ridden mongrel and took him home. He has been plotting my demise every day since then.

They have been best buds ever since and welcome their home to any needy animal I happen to bring in the door.


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